
Great Chain of Constantinople, Dissist of the Enemies of the Eastern Roman Empire – National Geographic

[The great chain of Constantinople was created to guard the Roman Empire East for centuries.] Apeleius Books
The great chain of Constantinople was created to guard the Roman Empire East for centuries.
NATIONALGEOGRAPHIC.CO.ID Every region in ancient history and Modern has its own way of defending against enemy attacks. Including the capital of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople. the city that known as Istanbul today, Constantinople was once one of the richest cities in the world. This city is also the birthplace Western civilization. As the imperial capital for nearly 16 centuries, Constantinople was the center of many great events in history. So rich and important, how was Constantinople protected from attack threatening enemy? The great chain of Constantinople guards the Empire Eastern Rome from enemy attacks for centuries. How could that be?
In the ancient world, a strong navy was often a factor important part of the resilience of a kingdom or empire. Have strong naval power means a city or an empire able to carry out sieges and naval blockades. Including launching long-range warfare, says Aleksa Vukovi on the Ancient . page origins. But in the case of Constantinople, a naval attack from the enemy could wreak havoc on both the capital and the Roman Empire East. This is mostly due to the vulnerability of the Golden Horn and its position close to town.
The Golden Horn, known to the ancient Greeks as Chryskristal ( ) is the mouth of two rivers and an entrance on the larger Bosphorus. It is about 7.5 kilometers long by 750 meters wide at the point the widest. The maximum depth is about 35 meters.
[Golden Horn becomes a very vital waterway important for trade in the ancient world. The estuary got the nickname gold for bringing great wealth to the city thanks to his position.] Wikipedia
The Golden Horn is a very vital waterway important for trade in the ancient world. The estuary got the nickname gold for bringing great wealth to the city thanks to its position.
Becoming the hallmark of the peninsula on which Constantinople is located, the Horn Gold creates a horn-shaped harbor that protects the city.
The Golden Horn has a rich and vibrant history, even before the rise of Byzantium and then Constantinople. Based on archaeological research, the Golden Horn is a busy waterway since 6700 BC. This is known from the many ancient settlements found in the vicinity.
However, its important function has grown drastically since around the 7th century BC. The Golden Horn became an extremely vital waterway important for trade in the ancient world. The estuary got the nickname Gold for bringing great wealth to the city thanks to its position.
Historically, the Constantinople waterway was not used legally exclusive to trade. Despite generating wealth, this estuary is also the citys weakest position. When the enemy attacks, channel entry like that became a great opportunity for a shrewd attacker, said Vukovi.
[Remnants of the great chain that once served to protect Constantinople.] Wikipedia
The remains of the great chain that once served to protect Constantinople.
For Constantinople, the Golden Horn waterway could bring havoc at a certain time. If not resisted, the enemy fleet can enter waters and pass through a protective horn-shaped harbor. Of course it would effectively attack the vulnerable rear positions of the city.
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Source:  https://nationalgeographic.grid.id/read/133515652/rantai-besar-konstantinopel-penghalau-musuh-kekaisaran-romawi-timur