
Causes of the Appearance of New Moles and Signs of Its Danger

KOMPAS.COM – Moles are a concentration of pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) in the skin in the form of small black or brown spots.
Most people have one or more. However, people with skin light ones tend to have more moles.
Until now, the cause of moles is still considered an interaction genetic factors and sun damage in most cases.
Moles usually appear in childhood and adolescence, which change in size and color as we grow.
New moles usually appear when hormone levels change, such as: during pregnancy.
Almost all moles are benign (non-cancerous). However, dung new flies in adults are more likely to become cancerous than old mole.
Therefore, if a new mole appears when we are older, or if the mole changes in appearance, then we have to meet a dermatologist to make sure its not cancer.


There are many types of moles that are categorized based on when appearance, what it looks like, and the risk of developing cancer.
These moles are called birthmarks and vary greatly in size, shape and color. About 0.2 to 2.1 percent of babies are born with congenital moles.
Some birth moles can be treated for cosmetic reasons when the child is older, for example, at the age of 10 to 12 years and older able to tolerate local anesthetics.
