
Heating Water with Stove VS Water Heater, Which Is More Save?

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.COM – Many people think that heating water with a stove much more efficient than using water heater or water heater.
However, not a few people think that heating water using a water heater is even more efficient.
Of the two assumptions, which one is really more economical for you? the matter of heating water? Do you use a stove or a water heater?


[The habit of drinking hot water can actually reduce the risk stroke and cardiovascular disease.]PEXELS/Karolina Grabowska The habit of mendi with hot water can actually reduce the risk stroke and cardiovascular disease. Adapted from Parapuan , Tuesday (11/10/2022), it was explained that the use of water heater was more economical when compared to heating water using a gas stove. As an illustration, it is assumed that warm water is needed for bathing two people is as much as 15 liters.
If every day you have to boil water with a 12 kilogram gas stove, it costs around IDR 3,897 per day for gas costs.
If accumulated in a month, the cost will amount to Rp116,916.
However, if you heat or warm water using water heater , the budget issued is only around Rp. 2,217 per day.


If accumulated in a month, the amount of costs that must be incurred is around Rp. 66,523.
With the assumption of these calculations, the use of a water heater is more economical compared to stoves so that it can save monthly funds.
When using water heater , you can save IDR 50,393 each month and Rp. 604,716 in a year.
