
Can A Woman Who Has Myom Still Be Pregnant? Here’s the Explanation of dr. William Halim –

TRIBUNHEALTH.COM – Myoma growth in a woman is related to with the womans pregnancy.
Myoma itself is an abnormal cell growth that grows in the muscles womb.
This condition can cause enlargement of the uterus.
According to dr. William Halim, some myomas are asymptomatic and some are also fibroids that can interfere with fertility in these women.


ONE OF ENDOMETRIOSIS [Illustration of a woman who has myoma, see the explanation of dr. William Halim, Sp.OG] illustration of a woman suffering from fibroids, see the explanation of dr. William Halim, Sp.OG (


However, the number of fibroids that interfere with fertility is quite small, ie 1 to 3 percent only.
This means that myomas that have been examined and treated have a small number in influencing the process of pregnancy.
While asymptomatic fibroids are fibroids that appear without any symptoms and usually the myoma is only small.
Myomas to watch out for are fibroids that appear with symptoms such as irregular menstrual disorders until the appearance of lump under stomach.


PERFORMED BY MIOM PATIENTS [Illustration of the appearance of fibroids that do not affect pregnancy, see Dr. explanation. William Halim, Sp.OG] Illustration of the appearance of myoma does not affect pregnancy, see the explanation of dr. William Halim, Sp.OG (Pexels) ALSO READ: DOES FOOD WITH HIGH SUGAR LEVELS STRENGTHEN MIOM ENLARGEMENT? HERES THE DOCTORS ANSWER
This was conveyed by the Gynecologist, dr. William Halim, Sp.OG , reported by in the show YouTube Warta Kota Production.
dr. William Halim explains, fibroids that cause infertility Myoma is a fibroid that has covered the uterine canal or its position is in the womb.
However, if the myoma condition is small, according to dr. William Halim fibroids will not affect the pregnancy.
Minor fibroids only need observation, then Observations were also made for pregnancy.


INSPECTION, FOLLOWING REVIEWS DR. WILLIAM HALIM [illustration of uterine myoma in women, see the explanation of dr. William Halim, Sp.OG] illustration of uterine myoma in women, see the explanation of dr. William Halim, Sp.OG (


So generally not all myomas interfere with pregnancy.
There are also fibroids that interfere with pregnancy, this condition usually causes a change in the position of the baby to cause miscarriage.
So we have to look at the position of the myoma itself, no Myoma forever interfere with the process of pregnancy.
If the myoma is in the middle of the uterine wall, no has the potential to interfere with pregnancy, this does not need to be taken and just make observations.


ENDOMETRIOSIS AND MYOMY ARE TWO DIFFERENT DISEASES [Illustration of experiencing fibroids during pregnancy, see the explanation of dr. William Halim, Sp.OG] Illustration of having myoma during pregnancy, see Dr. explanation. William Halim, Sp.OG (Pexels)


Obstetricians Review
dr. William Halim said, if the position of the myoma is in the uterus, so you have to be careful.
When this condition occurs, there is a risk of experiencing interference blood vessels in the uterus or where the fetus implants.
If myomas appear when you are already pregnant, then the condition must be very careful.
