
Viral Video Tri Asylum Parodikan Style Singing Iwan Fals, Zidan Laugh Laughs Behind Him – Tribunjakarta.com

TRIBUNJAKARTA.COM – Musicians Tri Suaka and Zinidin Zidan apparently did not just making parody videos of Andika Kangen Band and Rizal Armada.
Tri Suaka and Zinidin Zidan apparently parodied the style singing two legendary Indonesian singers, namely Iwan Fals and Ebiet G. Ade
For your information some time ago, a video showing Tri Suaka with Zinidin Zidan imitates Andikas singing with a mocking style viral on social media.
According to TribunJakarta monitoring, in the video, Tri Suaka sings while playing the guitar and seen making fun of Andika Kangen Band with imitating the expression to the voice of the vocalist.
Meanwhile, Zinidin sat behind the Tri Sanctuary holding back laughed by covering his mouth when he saw the Tri Sanctuary singing.
The video then went viral and was flooded with blasphemy by netizens for two reasons that person is considered insulting Andika Kangen Band.


After getting various pressures from society, Tri Asylum and Zinidin Zidan finally made an apology video.
Im Tri Suaka, I apologize to Bang Andika Kangen Band and Miss the band in particular.
Also Bang Rizal Armada, with Tris video parodying the style singing, explained Tri Suaka quoted by TribunJakarta.com, Monday (25/4/2022).

Source:  https://jakarta.tribunnews.com/2022/04/26/viral-video-tri-suaka-parodikan-gaya-bernyanyi-iwan-fals-zidan-tertawa-ngakak-di-belakangnya