4 Least Healthy Fruits, High in Sugar to Calories
KOMPAS.COM – Fruits that are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and Antioxidants can be an excellent addition to a diet nutritionally balanced.
However, certain types of fruit contain more sugar and calories so it should not be consumed too much.
In addition, some fruits can cause side effects for people with health problems such as diabetes and GERD.
Fruits that are included in this unhealthy category can still be eaten Enjoy, but in smaller portion sizes.
Reporting from Healthline, here are some fruits at least healthy.
Some types of fruit, both fresh and dried, contain natural sugars tall one.
If you want to reduce your intake of carbohydrates or sugar, consume the following fruits should be limited.
Some of the most common varieties of dried fruit are apples, raisins, apricots, figs, mangoes, pineapples and cranberries.
Compared to fresh fruit, dried fruit is generally contains more calories, carbohydrates, and sugar per serving.
Eating a handful of dried fruit means consuming more calories than if you eat the same amount of fresh fruit.