Mustika Queen Boycott Hashtag Trending on Twitter, Apparently Related to Ade Armando, What’s Wrong? –
TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM, PEKANBARU – Hashtags or hashtags Boycott MustikaRatu Trending on Twitter, apparently related to Academics who are also UI lecturers Ade Armando, whats wrong?
At least, until Saturday (16/4/2022) at 06.00 WIB, there are as many as 2,803 tweets including the hashtags BoycottMustikaRatu and almost everything is related to Ade Armando.
The tweet, which included the hashtag BoycottMustikaRatu, also included Mustika Ratus boss, Princess Kuswisnu Wardani and Ade Armando who is lying in the hospital.
The netizens tweet related to the hashtag BoycottMustikaRatu also mentioned that Princess Kuswisni Wardani visited Ade Armando at the hospital and defend Ade Armando blasphemers of religion .
The hashtag Boycott MustikaRatu is number one trending on Twitter.
In addition, there is also a trending topic, namely Wardah with the number of tweets reached 1,143 tweets.
Tweets that include the topic of Wardah many invites to switch to Wardah.
In addition, also share photos of various brand beauty products Wardah.
Mustika Ratu is a beauty product brand and Wardah is also a brand beauty product.
( / Pitos Punjadi )