So Darling Grandson, Thariq Halilintar To Envy Ameena: Her Grandmother 3, All Sultans! –
TRIBUNBANTEN.COM – The presence of Ameena in The Hermansyah and Gen family Lightning does make the family atmosphere closer.
Since Ameena was still in the womb, Atta Halilintars daughter and Aurel Hermansyah has received a lot of attention from the grandmothers and his grandfather.
As soon as Ameena was born, all eyes immediately turned to Atta-Aurels daughter.
In fact, Ameena immediately became the favorite granddaughter of the Atta family Lightning and Aurel Hermansyah.
Because, Ameena Hanna Nur AAtta is also the first grandchild so that the love he gets is so great.
When Ameena was born, she immediately received gifts in the form of goods branded.
Not only that, Ameenas grandmother also bought Ameena some jewellery.
Launching from Tariq Halilintars YouTube channel on Wednesday (4/5/2022), Fujis lover often expresses his jealousy towards Ameena.
Because, since childhood Ameena has become a baby sultan. Tariq is excited about her niece, Ameena. (YouTube Tariq Halilintar) As if insinuating Ameena who was still a child, Tariq Halilintar too sing a song with the tone Im a shepherd boy but the lyrics he changes in front of Ameena.