
Three Students Akmil Origin Barsela Home Village, Landing at Cut Nyak Dhien Nagan Raya Airport – Serambinews.com

SERAMBINEWS.COM, LIKE MAKMUE – Three students from the Military Academy (Akmil) TNI-AD landed via Cut Nyak Dhien Airport (CND) Nagan Raya, Thursday (28/4/2022).
The three of them went home for Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri together family.
The return of the Akmil students was greeted with joy by their respective parents.
The three Akmil students came from the south west of Aceh, namely M Wira K from Nagan Raya, who is the son of First Lieutenant Inf Sutiyar, Nagan Raya Kodim officers.
Next, M David who is the son of Major Inf Mazwar, officer West Aceh Kodim.
The next Akmil student is Teuku M Yari from Southwest Aceh (Abdya).


Major Mazwar and First Lieutenant Inf Sutiyar who were interviewed on the sidelines pick up their child stated, touched by their son who currently completing his education at the Military Academy.(*)

Source:  https://aceh.tribunnews.com/2022/04/28/tiga-siswa-akmil-asal-barsela-pulang-kampung-mendarat-di-bandara-cut-nyak-dhien-nagan-raya