
Suffering Boru Sihombing, Her Son Was Dragged Trampled, But The Culprit Was Not Arrested by Police – Tribun-medan.com

TRIBUN-MEDAN.COM, MEDAN – Julianti Sihombing can only hold back the patter her tears when she found out her beloved daughter was abused in a way dragged, beaten and trampled by his neighbors.
According to boru Sihombing, there were three people who molested his daughter initials IRH.
The three perpetrators are the CNT and INT brothers, as well as the grandmother of The two perpetrators are named Ana.
Unfortunately, even though it has been reported to the Belawan Harbor Police, The perpetrators were not caught by the officers, especially an adult named Ana.
According to Julianti Sihombing, the grandmother of the two perpetrators was named Ana instead of intervening when acts of persecution occur.
Ana is said to have kicked and trampled her daughter with the initials IRH, until the victim almost failed to breathe because he felt shortness of breath great on the chest.
So far there has been no apology from them. Even them write nonsense on social media Facebook, said Julianti Sihombing, Wednesday (27/4/2022).
In the interview, Julianti Sihombing had shown screenshot of the contents of the reported social media post with the initials INT.
On its social media page, INT wrote a cornering sentence victim.
As for the message that was written it reads Aduu dek, you pretend to want a pisum, I want to report, but the way you act like that, when you get hurt, whats wrong with your face covered. hahaha. Looking for a duet, are you making Eid, dont have a duet Mama, you bought Eid clothes, wrote INT on his Facebook page.

Source:  https://medan.tribunnews.com/2022/04/28/derita-boru-sihombing-anaknya-diseret-diinjak-injak-tapi-pelakunya-tidak-ditangkap-polisi