
After Tri Asylum, Now Ayu Ting Ting Rates and Requests when Gig Also Highlighted, List – Tribunkaltim.co

TRIBUNKALTIM.CO – After the video of Tri Asylum and Zinidan Zidan allegedly insulting Andika Kangen Band went viral, many later compare the rates and requests of a number of singers.
Initially, fares and requisitions during a gig or called a rider requested by Tri Asylum was leaked to the public.
The rates and the Tri Asylum rider during this gig went viral after the video Andika Kangen Band parody.
Previously, there were those who compared Tri Asylums request with Duta, vocalist Sheila on 7 which is called simpler.
In cyberspace, a list of requests for Tri Asylum circulated during a gig.
Now its getting excited, Ayu Ting Tings list of requests during a gig and compare it to the Tri Sanctuary.
Some even compare the cost of Ayu Ting Tings gig with Tri Asylum.


According to the netizen based on the Tri Asylum rider, Tri Asylums request too complicated even though the singer is still known only as cover musician.
What about rider Ayu Ting ting?
It turns out that from the news circulating, riders or special requests Ayu Ting Ting every gig turned out to be fantastic.

Source:  https://kaltim.tribunnews.com/2022/04/27/setelah-tri-suaka-kini-tarif-dan-permintaan-ayu-ting-ting-saat-manggung-juga-disorot-daftarnya