
Scandal of CASN Selection Touts Revealed: Participants Pay Rp600 Million, Sitting Sweet Pretending to Work Problem – Tribunnews.com

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – CASN Anti-KKN (Collusional Corruption) Task Force Nepotism of Candidates for State Civil Apparatus) Bareskrim Polri fixes 30 people involved in cases of fraudulent selection of Civil Apparatus Candidates State (CASN) 2021.
The suspects, consisting of 21 civilians and 9 civil servants, arrested for being involved in fraudulent selection of ASN admissions in all over Indonesia.
The case of fraudulent selection of ASN candidates in 2021, here it is 21 civilians with 9 civil servants were arrested involved in these fraudulent activities, said the Head of Police Public Relations Division Kombes Pol Gatot Repli Handoko told reporters, Monday (25/4).
Disclosure of this case spread in various regions in Indonesia, starting from West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, South Sulawesi and Lampung.


Especially in South Sulawesi, fraud in the acceptance of ASN occurred in South Sulawesi several cities, namely Makassar, Tana Toraja, Sidrap, Palopo, Luwu, and Enrekang.
As for the mode used by the perpetrators, Gatot said they were using remote access, where the computer equipment of the prospective ASN can be operated by the perpetrator.
Using the Zoho remote Access app, then using remote access app Chrome remote desktop, then also using remote access Radmin and using remote access Ultra VNC, explained Gatot.
Then also use the remote access application on DW service and also use the Netop remote access application, and the last one using special devices modified by the perpetrators or miss pay, he added.
Kabagrenops Bareskrim Polri, Kombes M Syamsu Arifin added: remote access applications or remote utilities is a device that participants use so that their computers can be accessed by other people from long distance.
So he overhauled the system. So the computer used for the test, he enter with the application. So he can do remote access earlier, remotely he could answer, he said.

Source:  https://m.tribunnews.com/nasional/2022/04/26/skandal-calo-seleksi-casn-terungkap-peserta-bayar-rp600-juta-duduk-manis-pura-pura-kerjakan-soal