Drinks to Avoid When Sahur and Iftar
KOMPAS.COM – During fasting, the body loses fluids. so very it is important to drink enough water after breaking the fast, to avoid dehydration.
Moreover, 60 70% of the body is made of water and any reduction fluid intake, can affect body cells and interfere with nerves works fine.
In addition, dehydration can also cause side effects such as: constipation, headache, dizziness, fatigue to dry skin.
However, that doesnt mean you can drink anything to fulfill body fluid requirements.
The reason is, some of the following types of drinks can actually have a bad effect on the body.
Avoid drinking too much coffee or tea, because of the caffeine content can cause a loss of water in the body, which actually increases thirst.
Whats more, sugary drinks are digested very quickly and can makes you feel hungry faster than you should.
However, according to Zibdeh, a registered dietitian and health specialist Virginia-based digestion, if youre craving a drink cup of coffee, you can drink it after iftar.
I usually have a cup of coffee around 8pm. Strategy this is enough to help increase energy when you have to socialize and worship at night, he said.
This method can also help those of you who are used to drinking several cups coffee or tea during the day. Due to the caffeine content in coffee and tea is an addictive substance, which can trigger headaches when you stop taking it suddenly.
Try to avoid fizzy drinks during Ramadan. This because soft drinks can cause digestive problems and reduce digestion.
Drinking soft drinks or other soft drinks, will make the stomach feeling full and delaying the digestion process.