
2 Children Often Insulted Friends of the Gegara Have a Unique Name, the Father Gave This Advice So Not To Be Ashamed, Ask His Two Daughters Often Do This

[The parent who named his two children with the name Lalu Dunia And Smile and And Everything Becomes Beautiful.] Parents who named their two children with the name Lalu Dunia Pun Smile and And Everything Becomes Beautiful.
GRID.ID – Recently, the names of two girls from Dukuhturi Village, Keanggungan sub-district, Brebes, Central Java, shocked the public.
How not? The two children have names Then the world smiles and And Everything Becomes Beautiful.
Quoted by Grid.ID from Tribunnews.com on Sunday (4/24/2022), it is known Then the World Smiling is now 12 years old.
While the younger brother, And Everything Becomes Beautiful is now only 6 year.
Fajar Setiawan (38), the father of two children, revealed the reason give his daughter a unique name.
According to him, all the names that parents give their children are a good prayer.
However, he admitted that he was reluctant to give a name that smelled of Arabic because he didnt know what it meant.
I named my son like that. Thats my prayer. So, later my child can make parents happy and useful for the country, he said.
He is also sure that God has understood the prayer he is praying for put in the names of his children.

Source:  https://www.grid.id/read/043252869/2-anaknya-kerap-dihina-teman-gegara-punya-nama-unik-sang-ayah-beri-nasihat-begini-agar-tak-malu-minta-dua-putrinya-sering-lakukan-hal-ini