Tens of Thousands of Syrian Veterans Ready to Help Russia Attack Ukraine, Including Tiger Troop Division
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Damascus, January 7, 2020. Tens of thousands of veterans Syrian civil war is reported to be joining the Russian military in the second stage of the invasion of Ukraine. (Source: Alexei Druzhinin/Pool Sputnik via AP) Author : IKHSAN ABDUL HAKIM | Editor : FADHILAH
BEIRUT, KOMPAS.TV – Tens of thousands of veterans of the Syrian civil war will reportedly join the Russian military in the second phase invasion of Ukraine.
The issue of joining Syrian veterans in the invasion of Ukraine has been rolling since last March.
However, until this news was revealed, only a few combatants had arrived in Russia for military training before being sent to the field combat.
At the start of the invasion, the Kremlin joked that there were more than 16,000 people from the Middle East who wanted to help him invade Ukraine.
However, United States (US) officials and monitoring activists Syria said the number of combatants who joined Russia was not significant.
However, analysts say conditions could change ahead of the start of the second stage of the invasion.
Moscow itself announced it would stage the second phase of the invasion since the end of last March, focusing the attack on the Donbass area in the east Ukraine.
Analysts expect more Syrian war veterans join Russia in a major assault on the upcoming Donbass come.
Whats more, Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed a commander new war in Ukraine, General Alexander Dvornikov, official who also commanded Russian troops in Syria during the civil war.