Vigilant, Male Stamina Can Slowly Decrease If Doing This Activity, Check Out Dr Boyke’s Explanation –
BANGKAPOS.COM- dr Boyke Dian Nugraha SpOG MARS gives an explanation about the stamina of men who can decrease because of doing this.
That is carrying out the activities of husband and wife in attacks or frequency.
According to Dr. Boyke, the man can experience a decrease in stamina drastically as he got older.
This he conveyed in a conversation with Nikita Mirzani via YouTube Crazy Nikmir REAL.
It was called Dr. Boyke as a balance system.
Its biologically related if its too strong at the beginning later in old age reduced, said Dr. Boyke.
Dr Boyke doesnt blame a mighty man for having a relationship biological as long as it doesnt run out or the term is extravagant.
Okay if its strong, but you should still follow the normal pattern, dont spent, he continued.
He said when men are too often in touch biologically later when you get old you will become sluggish, lose stamina, and even get sick.
He even said he found many patients with similar cases.