I am the First Daughter in fact Already Many People Are Applied for Beristri, Desy Ratnasari Interested in Being a Second Wife?
Instagram @desyratnasarifans
Desy Ratnasari
GRID.ID – Still at home as a widow, Desy Ratnasari suddenly made shocking confession.
When he was a guest at the Ambyar morning live event, Friday (15/4/2022), Desy Ratnasari admits that many men have proposed.
Unfortunately, even though there are many who propose, it turns out that the men intend proposed to Desy Ratnasari as his second wife.
To be honest, there are many who apply, Alhamdulillah, but what does that mean be the second wife, said Desy.
This member of the DPR RI admitted that he was confused when he was asked to become a wife second.
Because as a woman, the 48-year-old actress certainly wants to be the only wife to her husband.
Confused for sure. Actually, I wanted the first one, said Desy.
However, Irwan Mussrys former lover is reluctant to oppose Gods destiny.
Its just that we never know what Gods destiny is, I never want to challenge, whatever is best according to Allah, I will do it.